You know how wokeness ruins everything?
We used to have fun at the circus with lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!), and other animals like elephants and seals.
But the animal-rights folks put an end to that. Now we have circuses with robot dogs.
That's "Bailey," the only "animal" in the nEw aNd ImPrOvEd Ringling Bros. Circus that is now animal-free.
This year, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus has returned, and is touring for the first time since closing seven years ago. But, this isn't the Ringling Bros. you may remember from when you were a kid. There are no more horses, zero tigers, and elephants are no where to be found. There is not a single live animal in this show.
The circus animals have all been replaced by a robot dog named Bailey.

Dude! We can't have elephants doing tricks, we can't have lion tamers, why are we even going to the circus? They already got rid of the circus freaks long ago due to political correctness. What's left? Clowns and acrobats? A creepy robot dog?
Maybe the animal-rights people had a point, but I don't want the circus without animals! This robo-doggo is a creep.
Bailey has a unique design, distinct to Ringling Bros. circus. However, underneath the colorful fur and cartoon eyes is a robot dog model that anyone can buy, Unitree Robotics' Go1 Model. The Unitree Go1 starts at around $2,700, although the company now has newer models for sale.
They think this is worth a ticket??
Zajda controls Bailey's every move from about 150 to 200 feet away using a wireless remote control, the default remote that comes with the Unitree Go1 model. It's basically like a drone remote control with two joysticks. And Bailey's battery can last around 45 minutes long, which is more than enough for a 2-hour performance with multiple acts of which Bailey makes three appearances.

I'm sorry, am I the only one who hates this with every fiber of my being?
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