Gents, I know you want to mark your love for your woman for all eternity, but maaaybe don't do it on ancient arenas where they used to mass-murder Roman slaves for sport.
"Ivan + Hayley 23"
My dude, what in the heck are you thinking?
Why would you do that? What's next, carving your initials in the walls at Auschwitz or the Tower of London? Why do people think it's cute to do these things at monuments to human suffering??

Italy's cultural minister, Gennaro Sangiuliano, is not happy.
A Russian tourist who vandalized the Colosseum in 2014 was fined 20,000 Euros and I have a feeling if Ivan doesn't get the heck outta Dodge it's gonna be much worse.
In the olden days the punishment would have been... well...