Russell Moore was angry that Brent Leatherwood got booted from the Southern Baptist Convention's ERLC. The replies were brutal, but he got what he wanted.
· Jul 23, 2024 ·

Russell Moore is the editor-in-chief of Billy Graham's Christianity Today magazine and a major figurehead in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

On Monday night, Brent Leatherwood, the president of the SBC's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (which creates policy on cultural issues for Christians worldwide), was removed from his position.

'In accordance with our bylaws, the executive committee [of the ERLC] has removed Brent Leatherwood as president' a statement from the entity said. 'Further details, as well as plans for the transition, will be provided at our September board meeting. Until then, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees will assume directional responsibility for carrying out the ministry assignments for the ERLC.'

Russell Moore was not happy.

For years, Moore has been criticized for capitulating to the pluralistic, anti-Christ worldview of the woke Left.

Christianity Today has also swung leftward under Moore's leadership, imbibing many of the assumptions of the woke mind virus into syncretistic orbit with the Christian faith.

Brent Leatherwood displayed much of the same liberal, pluralistic, deconstructed values that Moore has come to place on a shelf with Christ. His children attended Covenant School and Leatherwood led the charge to hide the transgender shooter's manifesto about targeting white Christians under the misguided belief that it would prevent more violence, choosing to hide the truth instead of bringing all things into the light.

'We as Covenant parents and families are resolute in our commitment to one, protect our children and families including those who were killed and all those who survived. Two, to protect our beloved school moving forward, and three, do our utmost to shield any future communities from having to endure this nightmare,' Leatherwood said at a press conference...

After the news broke on Sunday that Biden was ducking out of the 2024 presidential race (at least, that's what his social media intern posted on X), Leatherwood's ERLC praised the decision and people wanted to know why.

Both of these men have stood up for the squishy, made-up American-Christian maxim that "Thou Shalt Be Nice." In the process, they have jettisoned God's commands and befriended Marxist ideology that is purposely anti-Christ in nature.

Which is why people responded to Moore's defense of Leatherwood like this:

Saruman indeed. He got what he wanted!

‘Saruman, Saruman!' said Gandalf still laughing. ‘Saruman, you missed your path in life. You should have been the king's jester and earned your bread, and stripes too, by mimicking his counsellors. Ah me!' he paused, getting the better of his mirth. ‘Understand one another? I fear I am beyond your comprehension. But you, Saruman, I understand now too well.'

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