In the past, helping addicts would have consisted of tough love, compassionate accountability, and making it harder to get drugs.
At the very least, it would have involved not making drug use easier.
The intellectually enlightened in Seattle have a better plan, however: teach addicts how to more efficiently use drugs!
These were two of the posters from the city-funded Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) advertising rectal injections and pipes to better get that poppy-infused high:
A "booty bumping kit" apparently lessens the risks of infection, taking away one of the obstacles that might discourage you from using. It also leaves no pesky tracks that might clue loved ones in that you need help!
Meanwhile, the shelter wants addicts to know that a pipe is a "lower-risk alternative," and that they have THREE types of glass that their management team can give you. What an awesome deal!
They even tell you to "give it a try!"
Message: DO DRUGS.
The shelter's director says such things reduce "stigma" along a "continuum" of care to help addicts, but there are plenty of critics to this idea of "care."
"The addicts in DESC care have caused considerable harm to the community," said local radio host Jason Rantz. "At the DESC downtown Seattle location on 3rd Avenue, Seattle Police responded to 253 reports of assault and 174 theft reports in 2019. All in, this location saw an average of seven single police response calls per day that year, according to KOMO TV. The DESC disputed some of the data. But walk past that location on any given day, at any given time, pre-pandemic, and you wouldn't feel safe."
And this was before the pandemic??
Well, as we know, issues with addiction and violence have TOTALLY gotten better since then, especially in Seattle!