Second Boeing whistleblower dies, this time from "sudden, fast-spreading infection"
· May 2, 2024 ·

Remember this story from early March?

Yeah, that was the first guy. Now we've got a potential second guy.



Spirit AeroSystems employee speaks out against the manufacturing defects on the Boeing 737 MAX, gets pushed out the door by management in April 2023, then gives a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit in December, again alleging quality control flaws, and now, well, he's dead. He's a healthy guy, too, but just months after these events took place he died from a sudden and severe bacterial infection.

45-year-old Joshua Dean, a former mechanical engineer and quality auditor from Wichita, Kansas, alleged that Spirit leadership ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 MAX, including 'mechanics improperly drilling holes in the aft pressure bulkhead of the MAX.' When he brought this up with management, he said that nothing was done about it. So he filed a safety complaint with the FAA - and said that Spirit had used him as a scapegoat while they lied to the agency about the defects.

"After I was fired, Spirit AeroSystems [initially] did nothing to inform the FAA, and the public" regarding the bulkhead defects, said Dean in his complaint.

In November, the FAA suggested to Dean in a letter that his claims had merit, writing "The investigation determined that your allegations were appropriately addressed under an FAA-approved safety program," adding "However, due to the privacy provisions of those programs, specific details cannot be released."

Dean also gave a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit.

Dean was fired in April 2023, after which he filed a complaint with the Department of Labor, alleging he had been terminated in retaliation for blowing the whistle.

Dude speaks out, and then..

A whistleblower at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems died Tuesday morning following a struggle with a 'sudden, fast-spreading infection'

He had been in good health, and 'was noted for having a healthy lifestyle,' according to the report.

He had been in critical condition for two weeks, according to his aunt Carol Parsons, who said he became ill and went to the hospital due to breathing difficulties. He was intubated, after which he developed pneumonia and then MRSA, a serious bacterial infection.

Doctors had considered amputating both hands and both feet.

"It was brutal what he went through," said Parsons. "Heartbreaking."

According to the Seattle Times:

His condition deteriorated rapidly, and he was airlifted from Wichita to a hospital in Oklahoma City, Parsons said. There he was put on an ECMO machine, which circulates and oxygenates a patient's blood outside the body, taking over heart and lung function when a patient's organs don't work on their own.

I'm just reporting the news here. I'm not implying anything and I don't have any dirt on Hillary Clinton.

And look, I know this stuff happens sometimes, but having a second Boeing whistleblower die of some brutal infection which had him, a healthy man, in critical condition very quickly ...

That's just fishy as can be.

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