Sen. Ted Cruz delivers inspiring message on facing whatever censorship and hostility may come in the future Leftist dystopia

Joel Abbott

Nov 24, 2020

There is concern – and what fair concern indeed – about the types of censorship, doxxing, intimidation, and hostility the Left will employ when protected by a potential Biden administration in the coming years.

If you're older than a pre-schooler, you might remember how Obama and Biden actively used the IRS to attack political foes, drone-struck a thousand people here and a thousand people there, handed out free cash to regimes that want to murder us all, off-shored American jobs, built cages for migrant kids and won the lottery pinning it on Trump, and actively went after people – especially Christians – who defied their vision of "progress" for the human race.

There is no reason to assume a Biden presidency would tone down that approach, especially when it's becoming increasingly clear that Kamala Harris and the rest of the New Left are going to be the real ones running the country.

Millions of Americans voted for Biden on the simple fact that he seems like a warm body that is the least likely to annoy them on a daily basis. They've believed the narrative that everything is Orange Man Bad's fault, and that after years of media wars and riots and Marxist screeds, that America can simply go back to being America.

What many of you know, however, is that the opposite is true. The election was a referendum on keeping America true to her founding principles and radically redesigning her through the worldview of men like Rousseau and Marx, whose philosophical entreaties have led to more mass-murder than marauders such as Genghis Khan could have ever devised.

Each day, it increasingly looks like we're stuck with that second path for the time being.

The question now?

What comes next, and what do we do?

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas had this to say in response during a virtual call with conservative college students:

"Defend free speech with a smile."

Cruz started with a recognition of where censorship is coming from in our society:

"When the Left tries to silence dissenting views, we should recognize that is a statement of weakness. It's a statement of fear. As a believer in free markets, I don't want to silence socialists. Their ideas don't work! They're welcome to prattle on as long as they want, and I'm happy to engage them on substance. The censors are the ones who don't want to actually engage on the merits or substance."

Cruz then called students to stand up for the principles of liberty themselves. After telling them that they can't depend on Congress to protect their free speech, he called on conservatives to stand up themselves and have a joyous attitude about the principles they are defending.

"The Left today is so angry. They're shrill. They're often hateful. We should not respond in kind. We should respond as happy warriors. We should respond joyfully. Freedom works. We're defending principles that lift up the human soul, that produce prosperity, that defend mankind's inalienable rights. Those are good and happy and powerful principles to defend."

They are good and happy and powerful principles indeed! I don't know about you, but those are some encouraging words. They echo James 1:2-4 and Romans 5:3-5, which tell us to have joy in our trials. While we should have infinitely more joy in the hope of the Gospel than hope of free speech or free markets in this life, the inalienable rights we fight for spring forth from those biblical truths.

Even if the Left wants our heads, may we be "happy warriors" as we seek to uphold life, liberty, and the pursuit of liberty – to whatever end may come.

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