So This Is How The State Of Arkansas Is Promoting The Vaccine...
· Aug 5, 2021 ·

Love or hate the vax, this ad from the State of Arkansas will make you laugh out loud.

Watch as self-described entrepreneur Richard Johnson explains why he got vaccinated.

If you live like Richard, "out in the streets, hustlin'" then why wouldn't you get the jab?

Honestly, who wrote this? Who in the Arkansas Health Department thought they needed to reach the black community and came up with this ad? It is beyond cringe.

The vagueness of the title "entrepreneur" had a lot of people questioning what Richard actually sells. There are no jokes I could make that aren't already being made in the replies to this post. I think I've found my favorite part of Twitter.

The reaction from people will make you laugh just as hard as the ad. Slight language ahead.







Honestly, I can't tell if this is dumb or genius. Sometimes there's a fine line and the state of Arkansas is riding it.

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