I guess there are worse decisions, although those worse decisions would necessarily have to involve an inter-religious couple and Auschwitz.
Really, white savior much?
Twitter responded with the expected Pavlovian outrage, but then, you could post a series of of puppy pictures on Twitter and still elicit outrage. Go ahead and try, you'll be hearing from climate hysterics, animal rights activists, and cat lovers.
Gotta watch out for those cat lovers.

Some of the outrage was directed at the black groom. This was typical (and one of the cleaner ones).
Others blamed the blushing bride.
If you are so inclined you can check out all five images here. (At least for now.) The holder of that account tends to do a fair amount of what appears to be promotions, so...
Let's keep in mind that this is the Internet and so incredulity is always advised. This could be genuine, it could involve an intricate backstory that would have it make sense. Perhaps she's not the owner but an abolitionist from up north, or maybe they are honoring some family lore of love overcoming prejudice in the antebellum South.

That said, this seems deliberately contrived to elicit the reaction it's getting. I tried doing a reverse photo search to see if I could identify the participants as perhaps actors but found nothing definitive.
Still, this has that publicity stunt feel to it. It could be a promotion for some new media property. It could be a promotion for a movie. It could be a promotion for toothpaste.
Speaking of poor oral-hygiene-related decisions.

For those commenters who were bewildered as to how there was no one around, including the photographer, to say "this probably isn't a good idea," I would point them to the above, and ponder the multiple layers of bureaucracy at Colgate that had to sign off on a barely disguised rebranding of a Chinese toothpaste once called "darkie" featuring a minstrel show character.
Regardless, we can't completely rule out the possibility that it's just a young couple in love with really poor impulse control.
Incidentally, what appears to be the original post for the photos suggests that there is a Part 1 out there and perhaps even a Part 3 to come.
The Gone With the Wind-themed reception should be a doozy.