If a private citizen owns more than a few thousand rounds of blaster fuel, the media goes nutso.
But if the [checks notes] accountants at the IRS buy pallets of bullets, nobody blinks an eye.
House Judiciary Committee Member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., sounded off Tuesday on news that the Internal Revenue Service, Railroad Retirement Board and other federal agencies have been stocking up on thousands of rounds of ammunition as civilians face shortages and President Biden continues to claim no one needs such volumes of bullets.
It's almost like the Founders were right about the way tyranny evolves like clockwork.
Here's what Rep. Gaetz had to say:
Call me old-fashioned, but I thought the heaviest artillery an IRS agent would need would be a calculator. I imagine the IRS in green eyeshades and cubicles — not busting doors down and emptying Glock clips on our fellow Americans. Certainly it's troubling that in 2022 alone, the IRS has spent around $725,000 on ammunition. So here's the Biden plan: Disarm Americans, open the border, empty the prisons — but rest assured, they'll still collect your taxes, and they need $725,000 worth of ammunition, apparently, to get the job done.
"Tax cheat" isn't usually a term we hear alongside "armed and dangerous." And there was a report that showed over a 10-year period, the IRS actually stockpiled $11 million worth of ammunition.
Yes, you read that right.
The IRS has bought more than $11 MILLION in ammo over the last decade, and $725,000 of it was just in the last few months.
Live look at the IRS counting its bullets while slapping you with an audit:

The IRS alone reportedly has nearly 5,000 guns for its security and armed agents, and well over 5 million rounds of ammo, as this commenter noticed last fall.
Rep. Gaetz plans to introduce a bill that would keep the IRS from buying ammo.
But with the feds buying up all the ammo they can, I have to wonder what the plan is.
Anyway, it would be a shame if we all encouraged the gun manufacturers to pump out more inventory by starting an arms race with the feds!

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