The day after Independence Day, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that totalitarian nations like China gained from the race-baiting that's going on in America through ideologies like Critical Race Theory:
In response to this, former marine pilot and Kentucky Democratic candidate Amy McGrath said what the collective Left has been so cautious not to say out loud:
"The founding was flawed."
There you have it.
This isn't a rabid woke college activist who doesn't understand the first thing about real life.
This is a woman who has flown F-18s.
She believes America is flawed straight down to its roots.
"It was racist and it was sexist. That's our history."
If that's our history, what logically follows?
That flawed founder Thomas Jefferson might provide a clue in that racist and sexist document McGrath apparently despises:
When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another...
The Left perfectly fits the definition that Jefferson laid out on those pages.
...Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The Left believes that the Declaration and the Constitution need to be entirely rewritten: that a new pact is needed. McGrath says that we should be "proud of our best American principles," but this is subjective. I would say that hard work is a principle to be proud of, but the Left says that's racist and I just need to be "inclusive" and "equitable" instead.
It's like a Christian saying "I don't believe the Bible or that Christ is the risen Son of God, but I think we should honor our best Christian principles."
In short, what this means is that America should cease being America at all.
It's supremely ironic that a marine who once swore to protect the Constitution would seek to destroy it on the basis of all the woke things. I'm getting some serious Star Wars vibes.

I'm sure that the reorganization of the Republic into something new will lead to a better future for all!