In a sort of Deja Vu of last year's story out in Iowa where a based marine vet decapitated a statue of Baphomet in the Capitol, we've got another anonymous hero who's stepped up in the Granite State.
Oh no! Did some mean, intolerant Christian bigot tear down your literal satanic idol?
I feel so bad for you!

The horrific display, which was placed outside the State House in New Hampshire as part of the "holiday" festivities, was toppled sometime between Saturday, when it was put up, and Tuesday morning.
The legs of the black Baphomet outside the State House stood standing, but its head was on the ground, robes crumpled and panel of Seven Fundamental Tenets shattered.
On Tuesday morning, Rep. Ellen Read, a Newmarket Democrat, was picking up the pieces of the vandalized goat-headed figure, three days after it was first unveiled on Main Street in Concord.
And, just so you know this is much cooler than some punk kids knocking over a random statue. The "vandals" (hereafter referred to as "heroes") left behind a couple of calling cards including a Santa hat, a Christmas ornament, and a cross.
This is just the latest in a trend of red-blooded Americans toppling public displays of demonic idols which encourage people to worship evil.
This statue of Baphomet, which was stronger than the pool noodle structure in Iowa, had to be removed because it was damaged beyond immediate repair.

'Nobody would have batted an eye two months ago at a mannequin in a goat mask when it was Halloween. Nobody would have been upset,' [Representative Read] said. 'Two months later it's the most offensive thing imaginable.. they just have an emotional reaction and their only response is destroy.'
She makes a good point. We really should be condemning worship of the demonic year round instead of simply at Christmastime.
However, the only reason the Satanic Temple put their statue up was, of course, to mock Christ during the celebration of the Incarnation. Maybe Read should consider that her constituents aren't sincere religious folks but rather trolls that want to mock true religion.
And the statue was only up because Representative Read, a Democrat, reached out to the Satanic Temple in Salem, Massachusetts, and asked for it -- just in case you were thinking this wasn't political.
Read first contacted The Satanic Temple about a display a few months ago. For years, the Knights of Columbus Concord Council, a Catholic organization, has set up a creche, depicting the birth of Jesus Christ outside the State House.
To her, The Satanic Temple display provides religious variety, upholding a core tenet of the First Amendment that the government cannot establish a religion.
She's protesting the establishment of religion by putting up an idol.
Democrat logic, I guess!
Our favorite vindicated statue-toppler weighed in, wishing to fulfill the golden rule.
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