Well, I don't know if this is a serious article or not, but the song of the moment is most definitely "Night Fever" by the Foo Fighters. Depending on your opinion of the Bee Gees and the Foo Fighters, this might either be, a) the best thing ever, or b) the worst thing ever. Haha. I haven't decided which camp I'm in, but it's certainly...something.
The Foo Fighters are, of course, rock legends, and I've got to respect their ability to replicate some very...ahem...taxing...vocal lines that can only be sung with a tight enough pair of tights.
But I just...don't know how I feel about this. This song derives from a full album of covers and originals called "Dee Gees", which has a few more singles available now for your streaming pleasure.
I don't know.
You can decide for yourself.
UPDATE: After several listens, I definitely think this is a noteworthy release, but I don't really care for it. I like the Bee Gees for what they are, I just don't see the point in covering this song almost verbatim but doing it slightly worse than the original. I like covers that either exceed the original, or change it in some meaningful way to make it more current or improve on it in some meaningful way. This really does none of that. But it's still an interesting release worth everybody checking out.
And just so you all have a more positive lasting impression of Dave Grohl and his rock awesomeness, here's one of my all time favorite Foo Fighters songs, "Hey, Jonny Park!", one of the lesser known gems from their magnum opus, "The Colour and the Shape".
The song mentioned in this article, and all entries into my Song of the Moment series, can be found as a public playlist on Spotify. Check it out!