Check out the video of Speaker Johnson and the House Republicans replacing the flags that were burned by rioters
ยท Jul 25, 2024 ยท

I'm not sure there's anything that quite describes the choice America faces this November like the photo above.

It was a sad and horrific display yesterday at Washington DC's Union Station. In the aftermath of an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas riot, the American flag had been torn down and burned, and the entire square had been vandalized by people waving Hamas flags and chanting "Allahu Akbar":

The day ended on a hopeful note, however, when a small group of Republican lawmakers showed up to restore the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance:

According to reports, ZERO Democrats showed up.

Many on the internet found it to be an inspiring American moment, but many others seemed to think it was an empty gesture that didn't do enough:

Too little or too late, I'd still choose the slightly squishy guys who love America over the mobs who hate her.

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