Speaker Nancy Pelosi Has Directed Capitol Police To ARREST Anyone Not Wearing A Mask, Vaccinated Or Not
· Jul 29, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Florida Congresswoman Kat Cammack posted this morning a directive issued by wannabe queen Nancy Pelosi demanding that Capitol Police ARREST individuals in the Capitol who do not comply with the Speaker's mask mandate for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.




The idea that VACCINATED people need to be masked, and if they aren't the proper move is to ARREST them is an idea that could only come from the mind of a power-hungry mini-dictator who just wants to make life unlivable for their political opponents.

The directive also includes that members of Congress should go around reporting people who aren't following Pelosi's mask mandate.

And here is a live look at all of the Republicans with a backbone in congress seeing this directive today.

One such representative with backbone is Thomas Massie, who is always happy to stand on his principles and offend people on both sides of the aisle.

Massie says, the science is bad, Pelosi is abusing authority, and the Chief of Police is out of his depth in trying to enforce this insane and unnecessary mask mandate.

And he's 100% right.

There is no world where Capitol Police, or any police, need to enforce subjective and partisan "health" protocols instead of, I don't know, trying to prevent real crime.

Additionally, this is just the perfect picture of what a government would look like if Pelosi and her gang had their way. They would love the authority to simply arrest anyone who doesn't go along with her every decree. They'd love for this to be a national policy, not just a Capitol policy.

Thankfully, many other congresspeople are joining Cammack and Massie in ridiculing and disregarding this unjust and frankly dumb rule.






Thankfully, there are many many more examples out there of Republican pushback against this overreach by Pelosi. But we shall see how this all shakes out. Will Pelosi and Capitol Police go through on their threat, or back down?

Either way, this should be fun to watch.

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