States may soon begin recognizing children as having "three or more legal parents" but don't worry folks, there is no slippery slope!
· Jan 28, 2022 ·

Does it ever seem to you like the things conservatives warn about regarding family, society, sexuality, health, life, all of it—ends up coming to pass and everyone acts like conservatives weren't warning about it the whole time?

Okay, so it's not just me then.

It soon could be unremarkable for a child to have three or more legal parents. After months of political wrangling over how to support families, this may sound fantastical, but it's fast becoming reality: Six states — California, Delaware, Maine, Vermont, Washington and most recently Connecticut — have enacted laws over the past decade expressly allowing a court to recognize more than two parents for a child. Many others, including Massachusetts, are considering similar proposals.

One thing you can virtually bet on: If it catches on, this sort of legal structure will almost certainly become universal throughout the United States. It'll all be passed by leftist Democrats who know when to seize an opportunity when they see it, with virtually zero opposition from Republicans who afraid to be branded "homophobic" or whatever (and who are in any rate too ideologically milquetoast to even mount a coherent philosophical opposition to "multiparent families").

But what's driving this new trend, you say?

These new laws have been spurred, in part, by the rising numbers and public profile of LGBTQ families and others with children conceived through assisted reproduction. In many of these families, one or more parents are not genetically related to their children, and many states now legally recognize these "intended parents." When we realize that genetic connection isn't required for a legal parent-child relationship, and that social criteria are relevant, limiting the number of parents to two no longer seems necessary or logical.

Hmmmmmm. I feel like we've heard this one almost verbatim before... I'm trying to remember where... the claim that shifting societal mores along with advances in "reproductive technology" have made an ancient human institution outdated and in need of overhaul...

Oh yeah they said the same thing about "gay marriage" like less than 10 years ago right?

Things sure move fast these days, especially if you ignore every accurate prediction and just plow ahead with destructive revolutionary social policies!

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