Report: Malawi students chase away Planned Parenthood reps at their school ๐Ÿ’ช
ยท Oct 27, 2023 ยท

More hope for the future generation here!

Kids at a school in Malawi, Africa, were being subjected to a Planned Parenthood-affiliated group's sex education lessons, and they were so put off by the group that they chased them out of the school and then burned the boxes of condoms they brought in for the students.

Students at Natola Secondary School in the Dowa District of Central Malawi refused to let presenters from the Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM) speak to them and physically chased them from the school property on Sept. 29, according to Father A. Zikomankhani, executive director of Human Life International (HLI) Malawi.

Unlike most American public school students, these kids in Malawi realized that Planned Parenthood and its "sex education" is poison. So instead of silently enduring the lessons, they just ran 'em off.

"We've been teaching them about chastity, along with the dangers of using contraception and the dangers of abortion," Zikomankhani said of his (Catholic pro-life) organization's work with the Natola students.

"To the surprise of everybody, the students at Natola refused the abortion promoters sent to teach them and chased them away," Zikomankhani continued. "The teacher was sure that it was due to what he called the โ€˜good pro-life message' that Human Life International has been sharing with the students."

The students were totally onboard with the Christian abstinence message. Planned Parenthood? Not so much.

According to Zikomankhani, the teachings on abstinence have been accepted and no girls at this particular school have gotten pregnant since the pro-life group began their programs.

It looks like the old-fashioned "wait until marriage" birth-control message can be effective after all!

Now if we could only run Planned Parenthood out of American schools...

I'll leave y'all with this viral video from a few years back where an African woman schools a BBC reporter on abortion and family planning:

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