Would you look at this. It seems Bidenomics did work wonders for one group in particular: Immigrants, legal and illegal.

That GIF has never been more appropriate. Here's why.
Under Joe Biden, and beginning in the final year of Trump's first term, which was wrecked by Covid, almost all new jobs in America went to immigrants, both legal and illegal.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, U.S.-born Americans just aren't able to find jobs.
For every eight new jobs created in America since 2020, American-born citizens have received just one of those jobs.
And we wonder why the immigration subject is so touchy!
The January 2025 household survey, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is the first to be weighted by the government to better reflect the huge surge in illegal immigration in the past four years. The new data shows that since January 2020, right before Covid, 88 percent of all employment growth has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal), also referred to as the foreign-born. All this at a time when a near-record share of working-age U.S.-born men remain out of the labor force.
Young American men are out of work while the economy has shifted into overdrive to benefit immigrants.

This began in 2020 under Trump, right as Covid was tanking the economy. And with Biden's "recovery" and "best economy ever," we saw slow job growth overall, with the number of jobs going to Americans at an insanely low level.
Here are a few of the key findings from the study:
Based on our prior analysis, illegal immigrants account for roughly 60 percent of the growth in overall immigrant employment.
Focusing on just the last year shows immigrant employment grew by 1.9 million, which was 72 percent of total employment growth. However, there is some undercount of employment in the January 2024 data.
Not all the data has been released, but our preliminary analysis suggests that the share of working-age (16 to 64) U.S.-born men not in the labor force — neither working nor looking for work — is likely 22.1 percent in January 2025 and remains near a historic high for an economic expansion.
Yeah, I think I know why deportations are so popular.
The blue lines on the chart show that in 2020 and 2021 about 9 million Americans lost their jobs. And then, when jobs opened up, they went to immigrants, represented by the green line.
Bidenomics created 7.3 migrant jobs for every job gained by an American, even as it also exploded the national debt by $8 trillion.
Bidenomics also flatlined wages, spiked housing costs, and slowed workplace investment.
The Bidenomics 7:1 policy — 4.7 million jobs for migrants, 645,000 for Americans — was deliberate.
Bidenomics deliberately stranded millions of working-age Americans outside the workforce, without jobs or prospects, often homeless and on drugs, and usually dependent on expensive government aid.

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