Deranged lefties are pulling out all the stops because they are scared to death of Donald Trump.
This latest stunt meant to sabotage Trump 2024, however, was just smacked down by the Supreme Court.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is manifesting in lefties and Never Trumpers who want to keep Donald Trump from even being eligible to run in 2024.
John Anthony Castro (A Never Trump Republican who is apparently running for president) attempted to sue to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, using part of the 14th Amendment that was meant to keep former confederates from taking office.
(Because January 6th, of course.)
The Supreme Court announced today that they won't even consider the case.

There are similar cases in three other states (Colorado, Minnesota, and Michigan), which all seek to remove the bad orange man from the ballot.
But if this precedent sticks, they're not going to have much luck!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐