Taliban bans MMA for being too violent
ยท Aug 30, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

Unlimited holy war across the world? Acceptable. Fighting each other in a controlled sporting environment? No way.

An official from the Taliban's sports authority, speaking to local broadcaster TOLOnews on Tuesday, said that MMA was too violent and posed a risk of death.

The order was passed down by Afghanistan's morality police in the Taliban's Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

It comes after an investigation into the sport's compliance with Islamic law, or Sharia.

'It was found that the sport is problematic with respect to Sharia and it has many aspects which are contradictory to the teachings of Islam,' the Taliban's General Directorate on Physical Education and Sport said in a statement sent to the AFP news agency.

'That's why this decision has been made.'

Man, England and France are going to be SO boring once Sharia rules there!

What's life if you can't watch one man beat the everliving heck out of another man??

Competitions were effectively outlawed in 2021 when the Taliban introduced legislation prohibiting 'face-punching'.

Only punching people with bullets is allowed!

Some fighters also complained of threats and harassment from Taliban officials, according to interviews published in MMA publications.

Between the commie nanny states and the kill-joy zealots of Islam, all the fun things are going to be banned, aren't they?


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