I found it. I didn't think I could do it, but I did. I found the stupidest thing that Taylor Lorenz has ever said.
The dumbest man in television, Don Lemon, is somehow infinitely smarter than the dumbest woman at The Washington Post.
In a meeting of the mindless, Lemon explained to Taylor Lorenz that there's a difference between being gay in Texas or Florida and being gay in Gaza.
Lemon: Taylor, how do you recognize the way marginalized groups - many of the people in these groups, marginalized groups, are fighting for Palestine, for the Palestinians, for what's happening in Gaza. But yet, in Gaza they would not have any freedom.
Lorenz: HAHA! They don't have freedoms in Texas and Florida!
Lemon: Well, I understand that. Taylor, I'm a member of the LGBT community, if I go to Texas they're not going to throw me off a roof.
When Don Lemon is the voice of reason and sanity...

Sorry not sorry, but Lorenz is a new level of stupid if she thinks Florida's anti-groomer bill or Texas' ban on sex changes for children is as dangerous for gay people as living in an Islamic warlord theocracy where they cut off people's heads for being gay.
Besides, has Lorenz ever been to Texas??
The state capital, Austin, might have more Pride Progress flags than Lone Star flags!!
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