Teachers are complaining about students coming to school in diapers, some as old as ELEVEN
· Jun 15, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Teachers are increasingly complaining that they are supposed to be there to teach reading and math, not change kids' diapers.

If you're admitting 2-year-olds for some preschool program, I'm not sure you get the option to complain about changing diapers. Diapers are just part of toddler territory.

But we're not here to talk about toddlers or health problems. Oh no. According to Bild, more and more children in school are still wearing diapers when they're much older... and not for health reasons. LCH (the Swiss teacher's union) President Dagmar Rösler said,

Parents are obliged to ensure that their children no longer wear diapers at school age. When eleven-year-olds come to school with diapers, this is a worrying development. Teachers are not there to change the diapers of their students. That goes too far.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Eleven-year-olds coming to school with diapers.

Educational scientist Margrit Stamm told Sonntagszeitung,

"Diapers have made a great advancement in recent decades. They are now worn 'like normal underpants.' This is how children are conditioned to wear the diaper.

"And further: 'Some parents let this slide because the diaper is a practical relief. It is no longer considered problematic today.' So there are parents who put diapers on their children when they go on trips or because they want to sleep longer in the morning. 'This is the completely wrong signal.'"

I'm sorry...

Can we go back to the eleven-year-olds wearing diapers?

I found that hard to believe, but Rita Messmer, a developmental educator, told Sonntagszeitung that she has an eleven-year-old patient who was never taught to use the toilet, and she's overrun with requests from educators to help older students still in diapers.

Good grief, parents. Get in the game.

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