I know a lot of you have probably been annoyed by the 13-minute chorus of Chris Tomlin's catchy worship song "Good, Good Father," but this takes things to a whole new level!

In case you were wondering, yes, it does get worse.
Thanks for asking!
Yes, it was a Mother's Day stunt. Yes, their "Creative Pastor" + her mother were preaching. Yes, they go all in on calling YHWH "Mother." Yes, they cite Christena Cleveland's "God Is A Black Woman." Yes, this is exactly how some in Big Eva describe the Imago Dei.
Then, this:
AND this:
These two ladies explained in their sermon that David called God "Father" because that was just the "outermost tree ring of revelation during his time, but now we know better."

They explained very clearly that we modern people are enlightened, because "we get to read our scripture with a more expansive method of interpretation."
What she's saying is patently false here. Woke Preacher Clips does a good job linking to an article that explains the term "shekinah" was traditionally used as a non-gender-specific reference to God and only later was associated with goddess cults by Jewish mystics (AKA heretics).
I'd be curious to hear these ladies explain why Jesus, being God Himself, referred very specifically to His "Father" almost 160 times. These women would have you believe that it's because those dumb fisherman – along with that annoying Paul guy – were just idiots who couldn't understand our progressive secret revelation (that's Gnosticism, Patrick!).
The ancient Israelites constantly defiled God's own description of Himself by associating him with the polytheistic sex cults around them. They were obsessed with giving God female consorts and substituting His name for fertility gods like Baal and others. See this article for more:
This is just straight-up demon worship right here. It's no different than what the ancient Israelites did – and they suffered God's wrath because of it. He has clearly told us who He is. God does not have a sex, He is spirit (John 4:24), but He reveals himself using masculine terms.
Both men and women are made equally in the image of God, and woman is the glory of man as man is the glory of God (1 Corinthians 11:7). Women are like the crown of a crown – a high honor indeed! No wonder all of us who follow Christ are called His bride!
But this gender-swapping madness causes us to worship a different god – a god obsessed with genitals and sexual perversion that every ancient society worshipped. It's not progressive, but regressive in the extreme.
I'll leave you with this super nerdy explanation from Answers in Genesis and this short exposition from the Billy Graham Evangelical Association:
This is the way God has chosen to reveal Himself to us. God is never described with sexual characteristics in the Scriptures, but He does consistently describe Himself in the masculine gender...
There are those who would like to blur this emphasis in some of the newer Bible translations, but it is very dangerous to tamper with the way God has chosen to reveal Himself. He most certainly does not intend to minimize women, since men and women are revealed as being made in His image and are of equal value to Him. But it remains that He is Father, not Mother, and even in the Incarnation chose to come to us as a man, Jesus Christ.
'Nuff said.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇