Texas man tracks down his stolen car and tries to take it back. Shootout ensues. Doesn't go well for bad guy.
· Jul 29, 2023 · NottheBee.com

There are just so many layers of Texas to this story that it feels almost like it was made up:

Gunfire erupted in the parking lot outside South Park Mall, San Antonio, just before 1pm Thursday after [a] man figured out where his stolen car was located.

The owner of the stolen car "had ordered the driver and his female companion out of the vehicle" at gunpoint while the cops were called. But while they were waiting, the carjacker yoinked a gun out of his waistband and opened fire.

It's Texas, folks ... Everyone has a gun.

Unfortunately for the thief, his would-be victim was either a faster shot or a better shot, or both, and the gunfire exchange ended with the carjacker dead and the car owner merely injured.

There is video, but it's only of the bad guy dying, so no need to show that here.

The local police chief, meanwhile, called the incident "certainly a case of self-defense," and said drily:

"We would prefer that they call the police before taking that into your own hands, but he did what he felt he needed to do."

That's Texas for you.

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