Hunter Biden texted Chinese businessmen that his uncle's "BROTHER" would be present for meeting, according to House Oversight Committee
· Sep 28, 2023 ·

Everyone knows Hunter Biden was making foreign money with his dad's name. Everyone knows that Joe's brother Jim was doing the same.

But the direct involvement of President Biden himself is becoming more clear and undeniable by the day.

Check out these texts Hunter Biden sent to his business partner about "the Big Guy," according to the House Oversight Committee.

So what we have are TWO Hunter Biden text messages where the very witty and clever Hunter covers things up by saying his uncle's BROTHER would be in town to meet with the Chinese businessmen:

His uncle's BROTHER (all caps)? Gee, I wonder who that could be referring to.

Could it possibly be referring to Hunter's father who was the recent vice president and who would soon become president? The man who is the reason anyone would ever make a deal with Hunter Biden? Could it be?

Funny enough, James Biden couldn't exactly recall who all was at this meeting.

Rob Walker, a Joe Biden business partner, DID recall Joe Biden being at the meeting with the Chinese business people who ended up paying the Biden family more than $100,000.

Tony Bobulinski, one of the Bidens' former financial guys, also says that Joe was brought in for a quick meet at a restaurant and Jim/Hunter made his involvement with the family business clear, establishing a pattern that is further cemented by Hunter Biden's other text messages about his father being in the room with him for a business call.

"But there's just no proof!!!"

If Biden didn't have a (D) after his name he'd be so up the creek without a paddle right now.

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