The AP made a stealth-edit to its article about Chris Rufo and Claudine Gay, acknowledging "some" Native Americans used to take scalps too ๐Ÿ˜‚
ยท Jan 3, 2024 ยท

I think it's safe to say that no one is having a better start to their new year than America's most effective journalist, Chris Rufo.

After Rufo's exposรฉ on Claudine Gay's plagiarism led to her resignation as Harvard's president, the media immediately ran cover for the lefty professor:

While it sucked on multiple levels, the AP authors' insistence that "scalping" was a white practice raised a few eyebrows and brought immense ridicule.

Since then, the AP has stealthily "corrected" that portion of the article.

"Oh yeah, and some Indians scalped people too."

The understatement of the New Year award goes to the AP!

"White colonists" scalped Indians (implying it was a common practice) but "SOME tribes" also scalped.

Probably picked it up from the mean whities!

But whatever, this is another win for the anti-woke. TAKE THE "L," journalists!

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