Brits are being encouraged to recycle their old electric cords because the country doesn't have enough copper for its green energy push
· Oct 15, 2024 ·

Brits, it's time to get out that old cord drawer and start your "urban mining."

Yes, "urban mining" is a thing. In essence, you're going to find that old cord drawer you must have put somewhere, and you're going to take out all the cords you don't need anymore and scrap the copper inside.

In this case, however, you're going to recycle the metal so the government can push their green agenda, which, amazingly, they already need your help in implementing because they suck at their job.

Scientists have called for people to go ‘urban mining' after a study revealed that old cables, phone chargers and other unused electrical goods thrown away or stored in cupboards or drawers could stave off a looming shortage of copper.

The research found that in the UK there are approximately 823m unused or broken tech items hiding in ‘drawers of doom' containing as much as 38,449 tonnes of copper - including 627m cables - enough to provide 30% of the copper needed for the UK's planned transition to a decarbonised electricity grid by 2030.

Copper is essential in the drive to decarbonise the economy - being a crucial element of solar and wind developments as well as electric cars.

A study performed by Recycle Your Electricals found that these cord drawers could collectively contain about $345 in metals.

Yes, the government needs your help implementing their "green energy" program because of realities such as this gem:

Experts say copper demand is outstripping production - driven in part by sustainable energy projects and electric cars - and the mining process can have devastating environmental and social consequences.

Sounds awfully green!!

A little more context for you and then I gotta go, cuz this is dumb.

Cables represent one of the UK's biggest e-waste challenges, according to the research, with UK households throwing away or holding on to an average of 23 cables. Research by the Critical Minerals Association has identified that they contain at least 20% copper - meaning that across all UK households, cables alone could contribute 3,251 tonnes of metal.

The Royal Society of Chemistry [RSC] has calculated 347,000 tonnes of copper would be needed to build the required number of wind turbines and solar panels by 2030.

What's more, the article states that we could be facing a copper shortage over the next ten years, so get ready for the price of all your virtue-signaling "green" products to skyrocket!

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