Under the CDC Myths and Facts about the 'rona, they answer the much debated question: "Can CDC mandate that I get a COVID-19 vaccine?" with an emphatic no.
A screenshot of the CDC's answer was tweeted out by Chad Gilmartin, the Deputy Spokesman for Rep Kevin McCarthy.
Read the full answer by the CDflippenC for yourself (as of the time of writing this the website is unchanged, but I'll attach a screenshot juuuuust in case that changes):
Notice the question is not does, but can the CDC mandate. And the answer is still no, but you might be a little confused about that since the President is singing a different tune when it comes to mandating the vaccine.

He must have forgotten to tell the CDC to update their FAQs to reflect what he decided yesterday is a totally constitutional move. I mean they were all on the same page a few months ago, but I guess they forgot to memory hole the inconvenient FAQs.

Yeah, that answer didn't age well at all...I wonder how long it will be before it conveniently disappears from the CDC website.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇