The Department of Education is flying a Pride flag because of course it is
· Jun 11, 2024 ·

I'm sorry, but what is this?


We're flying a gay flag at the Department of Education?!?

Not only that, but we get this tweet fired off first thing in the morning on June 1:

Our Department of Education, everyone!

Throwing gay pride propaganda at us like it's no big deal!!

And we're supposed to believe they're not teaching our kids about gay stuff in school.



If you're supporting the alphabet cult right out in the open like this, we know you're doing it behind closed doors.

All month long, the Department of Education is keeping their social media pages extra gay.


It's crazy that all these conspiracy theorists think public education is secretly pushing gay stuff on kids.
They're not secretly pushing gay stuff on kids at all; it's an overt operation at this point.

One quick reminder for you folks before I go 👇

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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