The entire internet is torching this rich guy for saying unemployment needs to rise. But a lot of what he said is 100% right.
· Sep 16, 2023 ·

The whole internet seems to be unified for once, with people of all stripes linking arms to perform the haka on this rich guy's face for what he said in this video:

I think the problem that we've had is that people decided they didn't really want to work so much anymore through Covid and that has had a massive [impact] on productivity. Tradies have definitely pulled back on productivity. They have been paid a lot to do not too much in the last few years and we need to see that change.

We need to see unemployment rise - unemployment has to jump 40, 50% in my view. We need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around. There's been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them, as opposed to the other way around. So, it's a dynamic that needs to change. We've got to kill that attitude and that has to come through hurting the economy.

That was Australian zillionaire and property developer Tim Gurner, who is now the most hated man on the internet. Yes, he has already apologized (dweeb).

I do not agree with his position that we need to "hurt the economy" and see unemployment rise. But he hit on something very important that we all know is happening: Covid mentality + entitlement mentality + victimhood mentality + free guv'mint money + every successive generation getting more doughy soft = most workers just don't have any clue how good they have it.

Have you seen those insane "day in the life" videos from people who work for Big Tech? They get paid six figures to basically get pampered and accomplish nothing all day.

They have been paid a lot to do not too much in the last few years and we need to see that change.

Who can say that's false?

Do you know anyone who works for one of the big three American automakers? I have known such people my whole life, from line workers to salespeople to engineers. They all make a good living and get ridiculous bennies. Yet right now the corrupt union racket known as the UAW, which represents 146,000 U.S. autoworkers, is striking against Ford, GM, and Stellantis (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep) right when it will hurt the companies the most.

Why is the UAW taking such drastic action? Are autoworkers being impaled by driveshafts on the regular? Are they working 16-hour days in dire condition? Are they being abused by their employers? LOL!

The UAW is demanding a 40% pay raise for all workers, major additions to their benefits, and a 32-hour workweek before they will go back to work!

A 40% PAY RAISE for working 20% LESS.

This is so absurd on its face that it's laughable. No offense to all you autoworkers out there but give me a fuh-reaking break. Y'all know how good you already have it. Yet you're going to halt your companies' production until they agree to pay you confiscatory salaries that will bankrupt the dang automakers!

So back to what buddy up top was saying...

We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around. There's been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them, as opposed to the other way around.


I don't want to explode our youngest readers' brains but there was a time not long ago - not very long ago at all - where a group of people would have gladly gathered and fist-fought for a job at one of the big three. It meant a good salary. It meant benefits. It meant security. It meant a pension. It meant you were set.

And, get this ... you were grateful for the job and the company that provided it to you!

Imagine that!

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