Look at the beautiful photograph above. It's a scene of tranquil, relaxing, pastoral beauty, right? A soothing rural landscape that feels like home.
Wrong. It's a totem of systemic racism. You are probably racist for even having briefly liked it!
But what, you might ask, is actually racist about it? It is the clouds? The trees? The sun?
Actually, it's none of those things. But thank goodness we have experts to let us know when we're being racist!
The University of Southern California's School of Social Work has published a letter saying it will remove the word 'field' from its curriculum and practice and replace it with the word 'practicum' instead. ...
'This change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that could be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favor of inclusive language,' the letter read.
It's "field," folks. The new racist word is "field."

Now, as we all know, the idea of a "field" has been understood as harmful and toxic since the oldest of times. The Ancient Greeks were known to look upon their own fields with deep and unrelenting anguish.

So don't say it anymore! And don't even think of saying any of its variants.
No more "field marshals" in the military; now we will call them resource consultants.
We may no longer describe, say, Earth's "electromagnetic field." Instead we will call it a "charged particle space blanket."
You won't need to worry about saying "football field," anymore, because, in case you weren't aware, football itself is racist and we'll be getting rid of it soon.