Only 6% of all U.S. construction workers are women, while 94% are men. This is a problem for the commies who think everything everywhere needs to be equitable, so now Maine is gonna dabble in Marxism to set things right!
Governor Janet Mills today signed an Executive Order to improve the recruitment, training, and retention of women in Maine's construction industry.
Women currently make up 15 percent of Maine's construction industry and only 11 percent of the industry nationally. The Governor, a trailblazer herself as Maine's first woman Attorney General and first woman Governor, has long advocated for more women to join traditionally male-dominated fields, including construction and the trades.
"Women currently make up 15 percent of Maine's construction industry and only 11 percent of the industry nationally."
Hmm. I wonder why that could be?

Could it have something to do with the fact that — I mean, I don't know — men's bodies are specifically, unquestionably more suited to the hard, physically taxing work of construction? Maybe?
Could it be that women prefer to work in different fields like education and hospitality because their brains and interests are different than men? Could it be that men and women have different life goals and strategies for dealing with things like childcare? Might it be that society is this way because this is how people like it??
Well Maine isn't going to let people's likes and interests, or plain-old reality itself stand in the way!!
The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Economic and Community Development, and the Governor's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future will pursue grant opportunities to incentivize the hiring of women in the construction industry.
So if I'm reading this correctly, Maine is going to use taxpayer dollars to try and force as many construction companies as possible to hire a bunch of women instead of men (which women don't even want).
When women have been admitted en masse to historically male-dominated industries, the response has been, well, quite what you'd predict:
Why stop with construction crews, governor? I hear there are some oil rigs in the deep ocean that need more equity!!
No way this doesn't backfire! This time, socialism will work. I'm sure of it!
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