Our world is so messed up. YouTuber Mr. Beast decided to give away his money to cure 1,000 people of blindness and of course the mob is skewering him for it.
Here's the entire video if you haven't seen it:
Yeah, the dude is literally giving away buckets of money to help people. He's done more to help others than most people would ever dream of in their lifetime.
That doesn't matter, however, because helping the blind to see and the lame to walk is totally an immoral thing in the enlightened year of 2023!
Yeah, the guy might not be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but thinking that helping blind people see is demonic is quite the take.
Next up was the predictable commie attack on free enterprise.
This line of whining apparently got so much traction that Mr. Beast responded to it directly.
Which was a mistake, because you can never appease the wokescold mob.
Oh no! A businessman is figuring out how he can help the maximum number of people while also making as much money as possible??

It would be so much better if a government taxed the heck out of everyone so that it could waste 90% of the funds and spend the last 10% on people it favors.
Down with capitalism!
I'm not joking when I saw these wokescolds think the government will solve everything (or nearly anything). We live in a stupid era of history, my friends.
Maybe the NPCs should ask why their politicians keep getting richer and richer while everyone else is getting poorer, and why a YouTuber has to be the one to fix easily-treatable blindness instead of trillions in tax money.