Okay, Kyle.
Yes, I'm talking to you.
Why are you letting the Ivans win?
The current world record for a gathering of same-named people still belongs to 2,325 Ivans who gathered in Kupres, Bosnia, in 2017.
All you had to do is travel to Kyle, Texas, with the rest of the Kyles and get counted present.
News of the gathering was widely mocked for at least a couple of days, so you should have known about it.
But no.
This year, only 706 Kyles even bothered to show up. That's down from 1,490 Kyles last year. 👇
What a typical Kyle move.
Here's a photo of the meager gathering on Saturday in the suburb of Austin:
If your name's not Kyle, be sure to shame the Kyles in your life for their lack of self-worth, valor, and patriotism.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇