The World Economic Forum wants a billion people to stop eating meat. In unrelated news, here's a recipe for the perfect cheeseburger.
· Jan 22, 2023 ·

Some really exciting, groundbreaking stuff from the World Economic Forum right here:

Danish businessman and chairman of the German manufacturing giant Siemens, Jim Hagemann Snabe pushed the Great Reset agenda of replacing meat with synthetic proteins at a "Mobilizing for Climate" panel at the annual globalist meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday.

"If a billion people stop eating meat, I tell you, it has a big impact. Not only does it have a big impact on the current food system, but it will also inspire innovation of food systems," Snabe said, adding: "I predict we will have proteins not coming from meat in the future, they will probably taste even better."

Oh, wow, fake meat will taste "even better" in the future? How is that even possible?

Well, in completely unrelated news, here's a quick, easy recipe for what I think are arguably the best cheeseburgers you can make at home. Very little work for very big payoff.

Divide your ground beef into 2oz portions. You'll be using two 2oz patties for this recipe.

Get a cast-iron pan ripping hot; add a high smoke point fat to it. Beef tallow is appropriate here; it's got a smoke point of over 400º, perfect for getting a great sear on a burger.

Place two beef portions on the cast iron; smash them as flat as you can with a broad spatula or a bacon press. You want full, maximum contact between the beef and the superheated fat/cast iron surface.

Let them cook for about two minutes. If your cast-iron pan is hot enough, that's all you need. These go fast. Don't get sleepy.

Flip them and hit both patties with a slice of cheese. American works great, as do slices of white cheddar; these will melt in just the right amount of time.

Let them go for another minute; stack them, get them on a bun; enjoy. You can customize this endlessly, of course — toast the bun, add your favorite lettuce/tomato/onion/bacon/sauce combo. Either way, this proto-recipe will produce the perfect burger for you to enjoy on its own or styled just the way you like it.

But hey, head for the crickets and soy meat if that's what you're into, globalist!

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