This 75-year-old woman was just sentenced to 2 years for protesting at an abortion clinic. Her husband fears she will die in prison.
· Jun 3, 2024 ·
Credit: Live Action

This is horrific.

A Washington, D.C. federal court judge has just sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow to two years in prison for her protest outside an abortion clinic.

In a heartbreaking statement, Paulette's husband John begged for mercy from the court, expressing his fear for his wife's health. "I feel like Paulette is dying," he said. "In my heart, I think she's having a hard time staying alive."

He continued, saying: "We've tried to be good people ... I love my wife dearly. She's made me go beyond what I'd otherwise have done ... We're throwing ourselves on the mercy of the court."

The judge in this case is U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

During sentencing, the judge characterized Paulette's protest as "violent obstruction of reproductive healthcare" and "violating the civil rights of others."

She then gave a seemingly snide remark in response to the husband's pleas for mercy, saying that Harlow would "make an effort to remain alive" because that is a "tenet of [Harlow's] religion."

The protest Paulette Harlow attended was outside Washington Surgi-Clinic, run by Cesare Santangelo, a notorious late-term abortionist who previously admitted to leaving living babies to die:

Paulette Harlow is a mother of 6, including 4 adopted children, and a grandmother of 8. Pray for her family, and pray for true justice to be done.

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