This athletics company got banned from TikTok for daring to post an ad standing up for women's sports

Did you know that you can get banned from TikTok for saying the truth?

I figured you knew. Just had to check.

Well, let me introduce you to XX-XY Athletics, a clothing company with a mission in truth. That mission: "We are here to protect women's sports and spaces."

Simple, necessary, and, because we live in an insane world, revolutionary.

I'll hand the mic over to XX-XY real quick.

You can see how in an insane world this could be controversial.

And controversial it was when XX-XY's account posted this next ad on TikTok.


You just can't tell the truth on social media anymore.

More from XX-XY Athletics:

It is simply unfair and dangerous at times, to allow males (XY) to compete in girls and women's (XX chromosomes) sports.

For women to be recognized as champions and simply to be afforded the chance to compete on an even playing field — and avail themselves of all of the vast educational and developmental opportunities that competing in sports provides — women's sports need to remain female.

We'll be here defending truth. And women and girls. Until that happens.

Full on right-wing bigotry right there.

You can check out some of their super comfy and controversial products right here if you feel like supporting the truth instead of some woke clothing company that hates women.

I'll leave you with this from Jennifer Sey:

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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