This prominent BLM activist straight up threatened on camera that “all h*ll will break loose" and buildings will be "on fire" if Derek Chauvin is acquitted
· Apr 7, 2021 ·

Watch this BLM activist come this close to incriminating herself on camera:

Suspend what you know about BLM for a moment. Imagine if a white guy said the exact same thing about a politically charged case on the other side of the aisle.

"If Donald Trump is not acquitted by the Senate, just know that all h*ll is going to break loose. Don't be surprised if buildings are on fire."

The FBI would have a no knock warrant for that guy within 5 seconds.

Heck, it wouldn't even need to be a case of national concern. If anyone who is not a leftist figure made this threat, they'd be visited by police at the very least.

The question you have to ask yourself is why leftist activists like her get a free pass, and what that really says about power in our institutions.

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