We've all had a bill show up at times when we're least expecting it. Maybe we've even forgotten whatever it was that generated the bill in the first place.
But, um, 65 years? That seems like a stretch.
After a fender-bender before Christmas, 85-year-old Ossie Gildart was told he'd have to take a driver's test. But a surprise was waiting for him when he walked into Service New Brunswick in Bathurst.
‘He said, "Mr. Gildart, I'm sorry you can't take the test, your licence has been suspended,'" Gildart said.
Gildart was told his licence was suspended until he pays $4,661.91 because of an uninsured accident — an accident that happened in Toronto in 1960.
Being handed a ticket for an accident I allegedly did six decades ago:

Seriously, how do they even have recordkeeping that lasts that long? Who has the storage space to squirrel away sixty years' worth of accident reports??
Gildart "doesn't recall getting into an accident during his time in Toronto, let alone one where he was uninsured." Moreover, "in the all the years he's renewed his license, in Ontario and New Brunswick, this old accident never appeared as an issue."
Still, the government isn't letting him get away from this one:
Gildart's license has now been reinstated and his driver's test rebooked but he's still left with the hefty bill from the Ontario Ministry of Transport, although he's being allowed to pay it back monthly.
‘Two hundred dollars a month is a big slap in the face,' he said. ...
‘I was never notified by anybody, for anything. I was never suspended. I never had a problem,' he said.
‘I just can't believe they'd do this to a senior that's 86 years old next week.'
Hey, just be glad the government didn't offer you "suicide"!
As always:

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