"Trans Families for Harris" supporter says he is proud that his son started to identify as a girl thanks to SECOND GRADE teacher
· Oct 9, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Man, this groomer teacher didn't just eff this kid's brain up, they got to the parents too unfortunately.

This dude is not a man. I mean, he's a male. But he's the furthest thing from a MAN that I have ever seen.

So much of what he says here comes straight from the pits of hell.

We've always known that our daughter [son] ever since she [he] was born, she [he] was always who she [he] was. And so it didn't come as a surprise to us when she [he] chose to start using she/her pronouns.

They knew, FROM BIRTH that their son was their daughter? They could just look at him and say, you know what, he is actually a girl??

It gets worse.

But the reason she [he] chose she/her pronouns was because of her [his] second grade teacher.

And when we limit our teachers access to our kids, which, they spend more time with our children than we do as parents ...

... when we limit that access, when we limit what they can do to help our kids grow, I can only imagine the hurt and the struggles that some of these kids are going to end up going through.

Yes, if we don't let teachers GROOM our kids with SEXUAL identity politics and radical gender theory, things may get really tough for them?

If we allow red states to continue to limit access that teachers have to our kids, my own child would still be struggling to find her [his identity.

He's literally advocating for second grade teachers, and younger, to talk MORE about sex with kids.

(The dad too!)

Our child is 11 and we have our first appointment for gender-affirming care. Our hospital in St. Louis was shut down, our doctor was made to flee the state, and is now working somewhere else, and our first appointment is at the end of this month in Peoria, Illinois.

"Boo hoo! It's so inconvenient to drive three hours to put my 11-year-old son on permanently damaging hormones!"

What a wicked man.

'A worthless man plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire.' -Proverbs 16:27

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