This English couple was fined $1,300 for picking up trash in their neighborhood
· Jul 15, 2024 ·

You wanna make a difference in your community and clean up all the trash on the streets? Well, not in Stoke-on-Trent, England, you won't. Or else you'll get fined $650 apiece for it!

Yes, this couple was getting sick of all the trash polluting their neighborhood so they took matters into their own hands and they picked it up. They then placed all the trash next to their trash bin in a cardboard box.

Then this happened.

A couple who cleared up rubbish on their street and left it in a box for bin collectors have been fined £1,200.

Veronika Mike and Zoltan Pinter, from Stoke-on-Trent, said their road had been blighted with "disgusting" litter for years.

But after Mr Pinter cleaned up some of the rubbish and left it out in a cardboard box, the pair each received £600 fines.

The city council said all fly-tippers would be punished with fixed penalty notices and considered the matter resolved.

Yeah, environmentalism only matters when the government-corporate alliance can profit off of grants and government incentive programs — not when you and your girlfriend want to clean up the neighborhood.

How did you not know that, Veronika and Zoltan?!?


Ms Mike, 41, said people would often dump waste around the bins on their street which she claimed would not get collected and would attract animals.

‘I'm actually afraid to walk past it in the street because I've seen a lot of rats and what looks like stray cats,' she said.

Mr Pinter, 46, collected the rubbish into the box, which had his name printed on it, on 29 April after seeing the litter blowing around.

He said the bins on the street were full so he had to leave the box next to them in the hope it would be collected.

In the letter informing the pair of the fines dated 8 May, the council said they had failed ‘to transfer household waste to an authorised authority.'

So they did all the work to clean up their neighborhood — FOR FREE! — and now they're being fined $650 apiece for their hard work. Not to mention, they probably got rid of some of the neighborhood rats.

Sounds like great environmental policy to me, England!

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