You've heard of anti-vaxxers, but have you heard of hyper-vaxxers? Yeah, that's what you call this guy, a German man who's received 217 doses of the famous Covid jab over a 29-month period.
Live look at this guy's vaccination passport:

Seriously, bro, like, how did you survive this?
A 62-year-old man in Germany still has a functioning immune system after receiving 217 COVID-19 vaccine shots over a 29-month period, researchers have revealed.
The individual from Magdeburg underwent the repeated jabs "deliberately and for private reasons" and against the recommendations of national health authorities, according to a study published this week in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal …
The study indicates that the man received his first coronavirus vaccine shot — a single-dose Johnson & Johnson one — on June 3, 2021. He then started getting doses produced by companies such as AstraZeneca and Moderna before heavily ramping up his vaccination schedule in January 2022, at the peak of the omicron variant.
217 sounds crazy enough, but look at this chart which shows when he received the most doses.

In January of 2022 this man got 48 shots. And I've been told he was getting a shot in each arm most days that month.
Not sure why there's that huge spike there in early 2022, but authorities assumed he must've been selling vaccine passports and getting the shot for other people. He wasn't. Or at least they weren't able to prove he was.
But even more crazy,
Throughout the entire hypervaccination schedule [he] did not report any vaccination-related side effects," wrote the researchers from Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and University Hospital Erlangen. "We do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity …
In summary, our case report shows that SARS-CoV-2 hypervaccination did not lead to adverse events and increased the quantity of spike-specific antibodies and T cells without having a strong positive or negative effect on the intrinsic quality of adaptive immune responses," the study added. "While we found no signs of SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections in [the man] to date, it cannot be clarified whether this is causally related to the hypervaccination regimen.
Everything Twitter ever told me about the vaccine was a lie!!!
The man committed to the study after researchers sent him a proposal through a public prosecutor while he was being tried for fraudulently receiving the jab for others. Again, he wasn't (which makes this even more strange).
What's really interesting to me here is that this bro never got Covid. Not once. So I guess the authorities weren't lying to us about the shot being effective — we just needed to take like 90 doses per year in order to get that protection.
Man, cheers to this guy, who put his life on the line for science and passed the test with flying colors.
I'll leave this here for you:
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