Boys don't menstruate, so it's silly and ridiculous to put tampons and other female products in their bathrooms. Transgender activists have been pushing for this for years, though, because it helps spread the gender ideology cult, particularly among young people.
But the boys at Lakeridge High School in Lake Oswego, Oregon, want you to know that they are not going to put up with it:
It's truly a beautiful thing to see. It brings a tear to your eye.
The school, meanwhile, has been reduced to pathetically whining about the whole thing:
In the last weeks, we have been combating vandalism in the boy's bathrooms. Students have been taking the tampon dispensers down and placing them inside the toilets. We would like your help in stopping this form of vandalism.
Oh, you "would like our help" in stopping this totally normal and commendable response to an insane, destructive ideology??