This is a real headline: "ACLU challenges Youngkin order mandating choice on school masks"
· Feb 9, 2022 ·

The American Civil Liberties Union, that steadfast defender of Democratic Party talking points, has come out against "mandating choice."

Don't you hate it when the government forces you to do something you don't want to do?

Hey, this is America, we have the God-given right to make our own choices about choice!!

Wait a second...

A group of Virginia parents are suing Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) and his administration in federal court, saying his order making masks optional in public schools violates federal disability law by putting their vulnerable children at risk.

So, individual choice violates federal law?

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Charlottesville on Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia; the ACLU is involved in similar cases in Iowa and South Carolina. The plaintiffs represent 11 students with conditions that include cancer, cystic fibrosis, asthma, Down syndrome and diabetes that make covid-19 more dangerous.

Okay, that is true.

You know what else is true?

Those populations have always been vulnerable to viral infections.

Let's take the seasonal flu, for example, and briefly examine each of the conditions cited by the plaintiffs.


Flu vaccination is especially important for people with cancer or a history of cancer because they are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications.

Having the flu increases a person's risk for pneumococcal disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia is a serious flu-related complication that can cause death.

Cystic Fibrosis:

Influenza, or "the flu," is a highly contagious respiratory illness that is caused by a virus. For people with cystic fibrosis, getting the flu may cause a worsening of symptoms and lead to a faster decline in lung function.


You are not more likely to get the flu just because you have asthma, but you are more likely to experience related complications—such as bronchitis and pneumonia—and require hospitalization as a result of infection.

Even people with mild or well-controlled asthma are at a high risk of serious health problems from the flu.

Down's Syndrome:

Studies have shown that individuals with chronic medical conditions, including neurologic and cardiac conditions, are at increased risk for complications if they get sick with influenza. For this reason, individuals with Down syndrome are likely to be at higher risk for influenza-related complications.


People with diabetes (type 1, type 2, or gestational), even when well-managed, are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications, which can result in hospitalization and sometimes even death.

Despite these risks, no one has ever seriously suggested that everyone else must wear face masks forever.

Why is Covid different?

It's not because it's more dangerous to children. It's arguably pretty comparable.

And it's not as if having school children wear masks is cost free. Mask mandates have caused enormous damage, physically, mentally, emotionally, and developmentally.

There's also the matter that Youngkin is not only not alone, he is being joined by an increasing number of governors from some very blue states.

However, the ACLU apparently takes its marching orders from elsewhere.

Ah, but where does the Biden administration get its marching orders from?

"I am in favor of an off ramp on masks," Weingarten said. "The real issue becomes, is the spread low enough so that there's no dissemination and transmission in schools?"

That's the teachers union's new standard regarding a virus rapidly approaching endemic status:

"No transmission."

It's not really about science, is it?

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