This is a real tweet defending naked men riding bikes in front of kids during Seattle's Pride parade
· Jun 26, 2023 ·

This guy likes to run his mouth on Twitter and now he's stumping for sickos:

During a Seattle Pride parade this weekend, naked dudes on bikes rode through the streets. Some of them were nice enough to cover everything except their genitals with "bondage" gear.

I can't show you the video here because it is disgusting beyond belief. There were children in the crowd at this parade and fully naked adults were flopping their bait and tackle around because they have "pride" in their sexuality.

In a civilized society, these people would be thrown in prison to ponder the depravity of their hearts. In America, the authorities shove this stuff in your face.

But Brian Krassenstein, Twitter's new King of Bad Takes since Taylor Lorenz has ditched the platform, decided that informing people about this stuff is worse than actually doing it.

We run into this issue at Not The Bee. There are teens on this site. We sometimes get frustrated emails when we run stories about the sickos out there.

Yet our entire shtick is real news that you can't believe is real. It's the news that belongs over at The Babylon Bee but is somehow actually happening. It's our job to inform you on the most weird, horrible, dark stuff and do it with a bit of humor in a PG-13 format.

We filter the worst stuff out (the things I see on a daily basis, ladies and gentlemen...), but clown world is only going to get worse unless we shine a light on it.

Guys like Krassenstein believe shining light is not only counterproductive, but totally unnecessary.

Here's the logic train:

  1. What's a few naked strangers to children, anyway?? Dabbling in pedophilia and indecent exposure is normal, right?
  2. Exposing the evil would just traumatize more people. Better to keep it secret. It's better to let the abuse happen to a few people than let everyone see what's wrong. Showing people videos of crime to prick their conscience is never a good idea. Better to let those train cars roll into the concentration camps without knowing what or who is inside!
  3. There are worse things out there, anyway. You're the weird one for obsessing over this.

These are the things that perverts and criminals say. Woe to those who call evil good.

Here's more on the Seattle parade if you want it:

I'll leave you with the look on these kids' faces:

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