Check this out:
From FOX Baltimore:
The dwindling staff at Baltimore's Police Department is dangerously low, according to national police experts.
In Baltimore's Southern Police District on Tuesday, sources say at one point, there were as few as three police officers patrolling a district of more than 61,000 residents.
Three police officers. For more than 60,000 residents.
I wish I could say this was the only issue Baltimore is facing, but in addition to the tragic bridge collapse on Tuesday that made international news, the city continues to deal with crime and crumbling infrastructure.
The department "is being forced to postpone training for some officers in order to keep them on the streets," and meanwhile they're getting increasingly desperate:
At a budget hearing last summer, the department's top brass told city council members that its attempting to hire 120 civilians to assist the department.
So you've got one police officer per 20,000 residents and the solution is to hire "civilians" to fill the gap?

Good luck, Baltimore, you need it bad.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇