You may remember the story several weeks ago about ESPN reporter Allison Williams refusing to get the Covid vax while trying to get pregnant and then being forced to leave ESPN.
Well, the story does have a happy ending, for now. About a week ago, the Daily Wire announced they were hiring Allison Williams to start a sports show on Ben Shapiro's conservative news network.
Shapiro and his crew are showing us exactly how to fight back.
Watch Allison Williams speak to how incredible it is that there are some companies that are willing to stand up for freedom.
Williams: "I've signed with the Daily Wire to do a special sports project with them.
Ben Shapiro reached out to me within days of hearing about my news and I was just overwhelmed how quicly they were able to put something together that we both feel passionately about.
I'm really excited to work with a company that does believe in the American way and the freedoms we hold so dear."

Don't look now, but Shapiro is stealthily building a media empire that more than half the country can enjoy because it won't be completely woke.
It's so clear that's what he's doing. The Bee has even pointed out that the Daily Wire's strategy is to "uncancel" the canceled.
The Daily Wire and right-wing non-traditional media continue to grow.
This is how you fight back against the left.
This is the way.