This journalist asked all these illegal aliens where they're from and where they're headed and if you listen closely you'll probably hear your city
· Nov 26, 2023 ·

Guys, we're gonna have to get used to using the "I" word because that's what we're dealing with here.

This is an invasion.

Independent journalist Anthony Aguero went to the border and asked all of the illegal immigrants streaming through where they were from and where they were going.


The first thing you'll notice, almost NONE of these folks are from Mexico. They're from Kenya, Ecuador, Senegal, all over Africa and South America.

The second thing you'll see is that while many plan to end up in Texas, just as many others plan to go throughout the US.

Washington, New York, Texas, Atlanta, Indianapolis, California, Seattle, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Phoenix, Boston, North Carolina, Chicago, Minneapolis, and New Jersey are all listed.

Honestly, it seems like more have their sites set on New York than Texas. Maybe they heard about the "right to housing" in the sanctuary city.

Finally, the most striking thing is that this group was around 99% young fighting-aged men. I saw a couple of older men, one young couple, one young lady on her own, and then about 100 young men.

This isn't a border state or border town problem. It's a problem for EVERYONE now, thanks to Biden's border fiasco.

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