If you walk around the DNC asking people their favorite Kamala policy, these are the answers you'll receive
· Aug 22, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Bro, nobody in their right mind is going to vote for Kamala Harris, and that is why this next video of DNC attendees listing their favorite of Kamala's policies is just pure comedy gold.


"That's a hard one."

"Her being ... president."

"I really like most of them."

"It's about what she stands for right now."

'I'm trying to think more of like what, you know, where Walz comes in."

"I'm non-binary, so, all of the policies for basic human rights."

"Her willingness to move forward on affordable healthcare."

"Like, her as a person just like tops out any policy."

Non-answers all around!

Because Kamala simply hasn't made any of her positions clear! It's like we gotta pass the bill to see what's in it.

So fitting that literally the only answer that makes sense is a girl who wants to be able to kill babies in the womb.

To restore reproductive rights.

Do better, Democrats!

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