Okay, I'll admit it, we're not super friendly to the King on this here website.
But when something like this comes around I just gotta show it to you.
Check out this artwork from a barber in Illinois who dressed up the back of a superfan's head with a mug of LeBron James himself:

Seriously, that's pretty good.
Like, most people couldn't even draw that, let alone carve it onto someone's head.
A Los Angeles Lakers fan in Illinois showed support for his team in the playoffs by having the face of LeBron James trimmed into the hair on the back of his head.
Barber Miguel Rosas said it took him about two hours to create a realistic recreation of LeBron James' visage in the back of a customer's head.
Amazing stuff.
I think I might have to skip down to Illinois for one of these haircuts.
Who you think I should get?