This Minnesota school district is going to let kids opt out of LGBT curriculum after Muslim families brought lawsuits
· Feb 16, 2024 ·

Huh, it's almost like there's one group of religious people in the US who get special treatment...

The St. Louis Park school district in Minnesota is going to let students opt out of being catechized by the LGBT Rainbow Cult, but only if those kids are Muslim.

Ahh yes, it sure is nice to have Muslim privilege.

If you're a Muslim in St. Louis Park, the school district will listen to your concerns and allow you to pull your kids out of groomer class. If this lawsuit had come from Christian families, do you think all the kids would still have to learn about the Gender Bread Man and Gender Unicorn nonsense?

"We believe that we have a sacred obligation to teach the principles of our faith to our children without being undermined by the schools," said one of the parents.

Well, you can't argue with that.

But why does it take lawsuits for this? Why is it a group of Muslim families making headlines for getting this opt-out option? Where are the Christians or just the non-woke normies?

Last year, 6 Muslim families brought suit against the school district, demanding that they be warned if the school was going to teach LGBT lessons. And when they initially complained they were attacked for not being "allies."

When the parents first brought their concerns to the school board, they were chastised for their lack of "solidarity" with the LGBTQ community.

"I respect your religious beliefs, and also as a queer person in a marginalized community, I would hope and expect solidarity," said school board member Sarah Davis in an October 2023 meeting. "Muslim communities have been historically marginalized and so have queer communities."

The queer school board member, somehow, didn't realize that the Muslim parents in her community weren't her "allies" in the fight against societal injustice.

Yeah, Muslims don't want you to talk to their kids about gay sex.

They also aren't going to be lectured to and pushed aside.

But now, the Muslim families who brought cases against the school district have had their wishes granted and will be able to pull their kids from gay class.

After the intervention by True North Legal and First Liberty Institute, elementary schools and St. Louis Park High School have now begun granting opt-out requests, per a press release from the two law firms.

"True North Legal exists to protect the religious freedom of Minnesota families," said Renee Carlson, general counsel of True North Legal. "We're proud to have worked with these families and the St. Louis Park school district to ensure that their constitutional rights are protected. Ensuring the religious freedom of students and their families is paramount, and infringing upon that right is unacceptable."

They had to bring a lawsuit to stop a school from putting their 8- and 9-year-old kids in an LGBT class.

And the "Minnesota Queer Caucus" (No, I am not making that up) is still opposing the St. Louis Park decision, saying that opting out is bad for EVERYONE.

(I'm sorry, I'm just stunned that I had to type the words "Minnesota Queer Caucus" so I'm not even sure how to comment on this.)

As it stands now, it's a win for parental rights, for sure.

And the press conference above seems to think that even this carve-out goes "too far."

Of course, an "LGBTQ curriculum" for 3rd and 4th graders wouldn't exist at all in a reasonable world.

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